Ep. 24 – Become a Better You in 2023 with Terry Yoffe

SHOW NOTES Terry Yoffe poses the question: 2023 How Can You Create a Better Version of You? Over the next few months, Terry will be talking about how you can shift your mindset and become that better version of yourself as she has conversations with experts that will...

Ep. 21 – What’s NEXT for Women with Abby Auerbach

SHOW NOTESAbby Auerbach is the Executive VP and Chief Communications Officer at TVB, a trade association representing the Local Broadcast Television industry. Early in her career, Abby learned how to navigate the mostly male business landscape and has proven that...

Ep. 20 – Tapping into Your Inner Child with Ken Mossman

SHOW NOTESCalling all Men (And Women) — Ken Mossman, Founder of Cirrus Coaching and Leadership, talks with us about how high achieving men/women who have done everything “right” — right schools, right jobs, right family (in other words, followed their...