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Ep. 24 – Become a Better You in 2023 with Terry Yoffe

SHOW NOTES Terry Yoffe poses the question: 2023 How Can You Create a Better Version of You? Over the next few months, Terry will be talking about how you can shift your mindset and become that better version of yourself as she has conversations with experts that will...

Guest author on ICF #Experience Coaching

TRY Coaching Blog

I was recently a guest author on ICF #Experience Coaching. Here’s an excerpt of our work together:

Hiring a Coach: What’s Love Got to Do with It?

When American singer Tina Turner released “What’s Love Got to Do with It” in 1984, she couldn’t have imagined this hit song could take on so many meanings and complexities.

Today, I’m taking poetic license in using her phrase, “What’s love got to do with it” to describe a perspective someone could take when looking to hire a coach.

Love Has EVERYTHING to Do with It

  • Loving yourself to consider having someone in your corner as you think about next steps in your career.
  • Loving yourself in understanding that hiring the right coach will be one of the biggest decisions you will make in your professional career, because having the right coach guiding you lays the foundation for the entire coaching process.
  • Loving yourself in knowing that the right coach is out there and it’s YOUR responsibility to find that person.