SHOW NOTES Christina Flach, celebrity makeup artist and Founder and CEO of Pretty Girl Makeup, talks about how she is helping to create change with millions of women that she empowers to be the best versions of themselves by giving them the courage and confidence to...
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Ep. 24 – Become a Better You in 2023 with Terry Yoffe
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How Can You Be More Vulnerable at Work?
“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed” Theodore Roosevelt, US President
TRY Coaching – Power of Being Vulnerable
We all fall into the trap of “not taking that chance”, whatever it might be — not asking for a raise or a promotion; or even starting that business we have envisioned for ourselves.
And why is that? Simply put we hear the following in our head: “I don’t want to fail, be rejected or worse, look stupid or foolish”.
As an Executive and Certified Business Coach, nyc, my clients invariably seek out coaching for some of these business challenges, although plausible, they keep people stuck, which always come down to the fear of being vulnerable. And let’s face it, no one wants to be vulnerable based on our misconceptions of what vulnerability means. Brene Brown, an expert in the field of vulnerability and through her many wonderful books, addresses this topic in depth and gives us another perspective of how we might look at vulnerability as an opportunity to find strength within us rather than weakness or failure.
When clients begin to understand that vulnerability is an opportunity to be courageous, honest and truthful, they have the ability to reframe their fears, move forward and go after what they want. Leaders who allow themselves to be vulnerable have the ability to connect, influence and inspire others as they create trust within an organization.
What if there was no such thing as failure “only feedback”, how might your life be different and what chances would you take?
Perhaps the next time you are stuck in a fear of vulnerability, you might try putting these words into your equation and see what happens? You might be surprised at how quickly you regain your ability to shift perspectives and make different choices.