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Ep. 24 – Become a Better You in 2023 with Terry Yoffe

SHOW NOTES Terry Yoffe poses the question: 2023 How Can You Create a Better Version of You? Over the next few months, Terry will be talking about how you can shift your mindset and become that better version of yourself as she has conversations with experts that will...

What Are the Benefits of Reflection As a Leader?

TRY Coaching Blog

TRY Coaching — Power of Reflection

Peter Drucker, American Educator and Writer said: “Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come ever more effective action”

How many of us have taken the time to reflect on what we are doing, how far we have come and what’s next? With today’s ever demanding and challenging business landscape it is hard to take a step back, look around and answer these questions. We are just too busy to think about where we want to go and how are we going to get there.

However, it is one of the most powerful actions that we can take. It allows us to take stock, shift perspectives and move forward in new and different ways. When was the last time you considered reflection?

As an executive coach, one area that I work on with clients in leadership roles is reflection. It takes time for many leaders to acknowledge that this space called “reflection” is one of the most necessary and powerful gifts that they can give themselves.

They are so busy, working; doing and having that they never consider taking a “time out” to reflect on the “being” part of themselves and how important it is to slow down, regroup, see things from a different perspective and then move forward, taking action with a more purposeful and effective approach.

How would your leadership skills change or improve if you were to take time to reflect more often, rather than going “full steam ahead” all the time?

Why not make reflection part of your professional life and see what happens?