TRY Coaching Blog

The TRY Coaching Blog addresses subject matter that keeps us stuck in old belief systems or perceptions, stopping us from moving forward. By gaining greater clarity and self-awareness, we have the power to move through our fears, improve self-confidence and make effective choices, thereby enhancing the quality of both our personal and professional lives.

Guest author on ICF #Experience Coaching

I was recently a guest author on ICF #Experience Coaching. Here's an excerpt of our work together: Hiring a Coach: What’s Love Got to Do with It? When American singer Tina Turner released “What’s Love Got to Do with It” in 1984, she couldn’t have imagined this hit song could take on so many meanings and complexities. Today, I’m taking poetic license in using her phrase, “What’s love got to do with it” to describe a perspective someone could take when looking to hire a coach. Love Has EVERYTHING to Do with It Loving yourself to consider having someone in your corner as you think...

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The Power of Courage can help you up your game and become a better leader.

Terry R. Yoffe, Executive Coach --TRY Coaching – The Power of Courage What was one courageous thing you did last year?  What made it courageous?   What belief systems did you have to let go of to shift your thinking so you could step into that place that allowed change to occur Dr. Raymond Lindquist, Pastor and Author said: Courage is the power to let go of the familiar”. Today, we are facing challenging and changing times and again, our belief systems and familiar ways of doing things are being put to the test every day. We are being asked to let go of old ways of doing...

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The Power of Choice allows someone to take control of their lives

Terry R. Yoffe, Executive Coach -- TRY Coaching – Power of Choice George Eliot, writer quotes:   “The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice” Life is always about choice and what choices we make will predict how we live and who we are at any given moment.  Choice is about taking control of your life. We are living in challenging and changing times, no doubt about it and we can’t change that. As an Executive and Business Coach in nyc, I work with clients that see the choices that they are making are not in alignment with where they are or where they want to...

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Making Changes, especially in today’s challenging business landscape, is hard yet necessary for leaders

Terry R. Yoffe, Professional Certified Coach -- TRY Coaching – Power of Making Changes Having difficulty making changes, especially in today’s challenging and disruptive times? Do you seem to be stuck in an old belief pattern that is keeping you from being the effective leader you need to be or speaking up when necessary within your business environment? My guess, there’s an underlying fear that you haven’t looked at or faced up to that keeps “rearing its ugly head” no matter how hard you try to sidestep the issue? Marilyn Ferguson, American Author and Public Speaker so pointedly says:...

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How Can You Be More Vulnerable at Work?

“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed”   Theodore Roosevelt, US President TRY Coaching – Power of Being Vulnerable We all fall into the trap of “not taking that chance”, whatever it might be -- not asking for a raise or a promotion; or even starting that business we have envisioned for ourselves.  And why is that?  Simply put we hear the following in our head:  “I don’t want to fail, be rejected or worse, look stupid or foolish”.  As an Executive and Certified Business Coach, nyc, my clients invariably seek out coaching for some...

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Wisdom is about sharing knowledge, expertise and experience with others on their professional path.

Terry R. Yoffe, Career Coach --TRY Coaching –The Power of Wisdom  I bet you didn’t know that over the years all of us have accumulated wisdom that we can share with others and help guide them on their paths in life. The Dalai Lama has this to say on wisdom: “Share your knowledge – it’s a way to achieve immortality”. Many years ago, I was fortunate to be one of the co-founders of a wonderful mentoring program that went on to become one of the most important programs in this organization. I was lucky enough to become the chair of the mentoring committee for many years.  The mentoring...

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How Are You Demonstrating Trust as a Leader?

TRY Coaching --Power of Trust Webster’s defines Trust as:  “firm belief in the character, ability, strength or truth of someone or something”. Stephen Covey quotes: “trust is the glue of life.  It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication.  It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships”. As a leader, it is imperative to be able to communicate in a way that leads to trust and respect among your staff.  Employees tend to be willing to work hard and follow someone that instills trust rather than uncertainty or fear. True leadership is having the ability to...

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What Can You Do To Take Control of Your Life?

TRY Coaching – Power of Being in the Driver’s Seat Douglas Pagels, Author quotes: “It takes being an active participant in your life. But you are in the driver’s seat, and you can determine the direction you want tomorrow to go in” So, my question is simply:  are you in the driver’s seat, steering your life in the direction you want, charting your own course, or are you a passenger – watching –while someone else navigates? These days we are all experiencing fast paced and chaotic lives, moving at record speed to keep up, catch up and ensure our place at the front of the line – especially...

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Networking is tantamount to doing business today by helping you create mutually beneficial relationships.

Terry R. Yoffe, Business Coach, TRY Coaching -- Power of Networking As business professionals, one of the requirements of “doing business” is networking. Having been in the service business most of my working life, it has become second nature to me and some might even say I am the quintessential networker. These days there are many faces to networking: business events; organizations that tout building relationships and having others sell for you; or the proverbial “meet and greet” functions, with its casts of thousands, who stand around shaking hands and handing out business cards. And...

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What Are Several Ways to Maintain Work/Life Harmony?

TRY Coaching - Power of the Dance and Journey of Coaching Every day each of us is doing a dance. Whether it's the corporate/business dance with our managers and staff, or with family, friends and even with ourselves – we’re always trying to balance this delicate dance as we go through life. To be clear, we can't realistically re-invent ourselves, start a business or transition into a new job or embark on a new career unless our inner rhythm is in sync with the tune of our outer world. In order to find harmony, we must let go of old dance steps and find new ones.  Once we do that, we can...

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How Does the Language You Use Reflect Who You Are?

TRY Coaching – Power of Language Throughout my many years of self-exploration and as the proverbial salesperson in the business world, I came to realize that most people’s verbal communication is nothing more than an outpouring of words with little thought given to the impact of those words from the listener’s perspective. We are all too busy in our own heads thinking about what we want to say or how we might sound, never really tuning in to what others are saying to us, and rarely asking for clarification or acknowledgement. Genuine, meaningful, productive conversation can be very hard...

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How Can You Practice Excellence in Business?

TRY Coaching -- Power of Excellence The great philosopher, Aristotle sums up Excellence quite succinctly: “We are what we repeatedly do, Excellence, then, is not an art, but a habit” What impact would the perspective of excellence have on your decision to make sure that your accomplishments moving forward truly serve you and your goals? What changes might you make right now that will shift your average to excellence performance? And more importantly, what are you doing that keeps you from creating extraordinary results? With this is mind, it sounds like the one ingredient that turns the...

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What Would It Be Like to Let Go and Move Forward?

TRY Coaching -- Power of Letting Go By moving through and letting go of our fears, we can envision and create the life that we truly want for ourselves. By contrast, when we let our preconceived notions about ourselves and our fears take control, we can be paralyzed by them. Marilyn Ferguson, author of the global bestseller “The Aquarian Conspiracy,” sums up letting go of the fear of change: “It’s not so much that we’re afraid of change or so in love with the old ways, but its that place in between that we fear…It’s like being between trapezes. It’s Linus when his blanket is in the dryer....

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What Stories Do You Tell Yourself? –Are They Leading To Success or Failure?

TRY Coaching – Power of Letting Go of the Stories We Tell Ourselves Does this sound familiar: “I could never do ____________ because I’m not good enough at things like that” or “I won’t be able to deal with_____________ because I’ve never been successful with things like that”? The reality is that you’ve most likely led yourself to believe that these statements are true. HOWEVER, they’re nothing more than interpretations of experiences from the past. As business professionals, this is precisely what holds us back from looking to higher positions, dealing with conflict or communicating...

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Being fearless allows you to take that dream job, ask for a promotion and conquer your feelings of self-doubt.

Terry R. Yoffe, Executive Coach --TRY Coaching – Power of Being Fearless Can you remember the last time you missed an opportunity, perhaps a new job offer that you didn’t take, because of fear or self-doubt about your ability to do the job? Or a time when you wanted to speak up about a situation that didn’t sit well with you and again, didn’t due to feelings of self-doubt? I know I am guilty of staying in my comfort zone, more than once or twice, with the blanket over my head feeling safe and secure and not wanting to stick my neck out when life can be challenging. However, comfort zones...

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One small step can lead to success and accomplishment by facing your fears and anxieties one step at a time.

Terry R. Yoffe, Career Coach --TRY Coaching – Power of One Small Step I recently tuned into the movie “A Chorus Line” and once again I was struck by the transformation of a group of actors that went from feeling insecure during the auditioning stage to confident, self-assured singers as they smiled and danced through the finale number of ONE!! What changed for these singers as they belted out these lyrics? “ONE singular sensation -- Every little step you take” They started believing in themselves and what they could accomplish after telling the others their insecurities and life stories....

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How Can Mindfulness Make You Be a Better Leader?

TRY Coaching -- Power of Being Mindful Where did it go? I turned my head for a moment and that summer was gone. Yes, we all had a grand time filled with family travels, especially visiting amusement parks. Each park had huge rides and entertainment galore. The real attractions were the people looking to find exhilaration and a sense of adventure, and in my mind courage, to be tossed, thrown, jolted, and turned upside-down and down-side up on some of the scariest rides. When you are facing drops of up to a couple hundred feet, or being suspended in mid air, you have no choice but to be “in...

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How can standing in the perspective of celebration allow leaders to see the importance of praising and acknowledging themselves and others.

Terry R. Yoffe, Career Coach --TRY Coaching – Power of Celebration It seems that at every holiday season the word celebration comes into focus with even greater clarity and awareness than any other time of the year. As I thought about the message that I wanted to convey with the Power of Celebration, I wondered what celebration would look like if you shifted your usual meaning of the word and explored what it would be like to celebrate your life on a daily basis. As you read on, please keep in mind that celebrate also means praise, rejoice and enjoy. Oprah Winfrey’s simple one liner aptly...

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What Are the Benefits of Reflection As a Leader?

TRY Coaching -- Power of Reflection Peter Drucker, American Educator and Writer said: “Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come ever more effective action” How many of us have taken the time to reflect on what we are doing, how far we have come and what’s next? With today’s ever demanding and challenging business landscape it is hard to take a step back, look around and answer these questions. We are just too busy to think about where we want to go and how are we going to get there. However, it is one of the most powerful actions that we can take....

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What Can You Accomplish By Feeling Young at Heart?

TRY Coaching - Power of Being Young at Heart A friend sent me a link to George Burns singing “I Wish I Was Eighteen Again”. Nostalgia set in and the song catapulted me back in time to my youth and I realized how quickly the pages of life turn. We can’t go back in time however,  we can be “young at heart” no matter how old we are. Franz Kafka, writer, seems to agree : “Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.” I know this sounds counterintuitive as we are stressed with the changes and challenges that life...

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What’s The Value of Saying YES to Life’s Opportunities?

TRY Coaching -- Power of Saying YES “The quickest way to acquire self-confidence is to do exactly what you are afraid to do” Anonymous And, what can be more powerful than saying YES to those situations that challenge, stretch and even scare you! In today’s ever changing and competitive business landscape, having the courage to say YES to a new job situation that might seem out of reach or uncomfortable says that you have the confidence and trust to step out of your comfort zone and go for the brass ring. As a business coach, I work with clients that are stuck in a rut and can’t seem to...

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How Can Dealing With Uncertainty Make You Stronger?

TRY Coaching - Power of Living on the Edge Several years ago I had the opportunity to visit friends in New Mexico, while seeing some of the most beautiful landscape this country has to offer. These friends happen to be motorcycle enthusiasts - while I, on the other hand, had never even ridden on, let alone driven a motorcycle in my entire life.  Inspired by my surroundings and feeling particularly adventuresome on this trip, I decided to be daring and go for a spin.  Wow, what an experience!  Even though I felt tentative and a bit nervous at first, I didn’t let my fears get...

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In What Ways Do You Let People at Work Know Their Contribution and Worth?

TRY Coaching – Power of Gratitude What are you grateful for today? “I am grateful for _____________”. Having gratitude and having the ability to express and acknowledge gratitude is severely underrated in today’s busy and challenging world we live in. Being grateful allows us to stay centered, focused and move through life feeling fulfilled and happy for what life has given us and those around us. Do I hear, “BUT, I didn’t get that promotion, raise, new client, etc, so what do I have to be grateful for?” Being grateful for what we do have opens the door to endless possibilities and...

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What Small Steps Can You Take to Increase Workplace Flexibility?

TRY Coaching --Power of Being Flexible Today’s business landscape is both challenging and uncertain and definitely tougher to navigate. It’s enough to create a sense of anxiety and stress as we look at what’s going on. However, these emotions don’t lead to progress and opportunity The world is changing, perhaps faster than any of us would like. Yet our personal success and happiness rely on our ability to be flexible and adapt to changes, instead of worrying about changes beyond our control. If we look at life through this perspective we can learn to embrace flexibility. Each day we make...

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What Thoughts Keep You From Feeling Self Confident?

TRY Coaching – Power of Self Confidence How often do we tell ourselves stories such as “I’m not good enough to ask for that promotion” or “If I start my own business, I will fail”? When we believe these assumptions to be true,  they hold us back and shape our realities.  It's these stories that keep us from reaching our personal and professional goals and dreams. Sharon Salzberg, writer, says: “Letting go is an inner job, something we can do for ourselves”. By changing perspectives, we can create a life that is based on truths, not beliefs, assumptions or...

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What Can You Do to Improve Your Communication Skills at Work?

TRY Coaching – Power of Masterful Communication We all use language to communicate daily to get our ideas across and to connect with others. Yet, when it comes to our business partners, colleagues, even loved ones, our communication gets lost in translation or misconstrued. Conversational styles that differ from our own challenge us, and these can become barriers to professional and personal relationships. Lee Iacocca said: “We can have brilliant ideas, but if you can’t get them across, your ideas won’t get anywhere”. By putting good communication skills into use, you can communicate and...

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“I have a reputation for authenticity as a career transition coach – providing empathetic and caring, yet no-nonsense, career coaching services to my clients.”