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Ep. 24 – Become a Better You in 2023 with Terry Yoffe

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How Can You Practice Excellence in Business?

TRY Coaching Blog

TRY Coaching — Power of Excellence

The great philosopher, Aristotle sums up Excellence quite succinctly:
“We are what we repeatedly do, Excellence, then, is not an art, but a habit”

What impact would the perspective of excellence have on your decision to make sure that your accomplishments moving forward truly serve you and your goals? What changes might you make right now that will shift your average to excellence performance? And more importantly, what are you doing that keeps you from creating extraordinary results?

With this is mind, it sounds like the one ingredient that turns the ordinary to extraordinary is merely a commitment to excellence. Excellence in our career simply requires that we constantly produce results beyond the ordinary, always going beyond our limits. It will change your results to that of having the quality of life in which you thrive and grow, rather than believing that an average or mediocre result is acceptable.

As a Certified, Professional Business Coach, nyc, I work with leaders and entrepreneurs, who are required to perform at peak performance. As partners, we work together to see where they are falling short of the mark and where they are not. My clients understand that in today’s competitive business landscape, excellence is expected and mediocrity has its consequences.

Think through the two or three things that you truly wanted to accomplish in your professional life but haven’t? How would your career, job responsibilities or business decisions have shifted had you put more effort into creating excellent results? Perhaps you would have received that promotion, made that big sale or landed that one big account that would have made a difference in your business

Are you willing to embrace and accept who you are right now and then step into your own excellence? You can take charge of your life and leave the ordinary in the dust! Often, just by changing your perspective, mediocrity can become excellence, and you can step into the Peak Performer that is within you.